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Jul 9, 2022 |
sacred_in_opera  |

Summer 2022 Words of Welcome from the Sacred in Opera Initiative Chair

Hilton Head Island, June 2022
“Sacred: the power, being, or realm understood by religious persons to be at the core of existence and to have a transformative effect on their lives and destinies. Other terms, such as holy, divine, transcendent, ultimate being (or ultimate reality), mystery, and perfection (or purity) have been used for this domain.” This is an excerpt of the Encyclopedia Brittanica definition of "sacred." No wonder the marvel, drama and even demands of operatic expression combine so naturally with the sacred in our lives and experiences.

As Chair of the Sacred in Opera Initiative of the National Opera Association, I invite you to learn about SIO and consider joining us at the national conference; submitting an article, interview, or review to our online newsletter; or participating in our committee conversations. We invite your interest, questions, and involvement. 

In future newsletters, I will spotlight our committee members in a personal profile to introduce them and share how and what drew them toward this initiative. 

We are preparing for a discussion about Islamic opera in a breakout session at the NOA National Conference in Houston, Jan 2023. If this is an area of expertise, research, or curiosity, we would love to talk further with you before the conference!

Mission Statement

As an ecumenical support project, The Sacred in Opera's mission is to gather those interested and involved in sacred music drama for the exchange of ideas, study, performance, and camaraderie.

Our Vision

The Sacred in Opera seeks to promote the creation and performance of representations depicting the spiritual quest in opera form.

Become Involved

By joining your efforts with ours and that of National Opera Association, we can . . .

•promote the spiritual and religious in opera to our audiences.

•provide another opportunity for singers and other artists to use their gifts.

•encourage all artists in their religious quests.

Projects & Opportunities

•Online networking of ideas, resources, and support

•Online newsletter/discussion group

•Annual meetings and workshops at the annual National Opera Association National Conference


Casey Robards

Dr. Casey Robards
The Sacred in Opera Initiative of the NOA, Chair
Assistant Professor in Keyboard/Vocal Coaching, University of Illinois
Conductor, Head of Collaborative Piano, Bay View Music Festival