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2015 Competition Winners

Congratulations to the winners and all finalists who competed at the Greensboro convention in January 2015!


First Place

Georgia State University - Atlanta, Georgia
The Mikado, Act I, “Were You Not to Ko-Ko Plighted” Gilbert & Sullivan

Yum-Yum: Carolyn Balkovetz Nanki-Poo: Kirby Eicholtz
Stage Director: Carroll Freeman Music Director: Grant Jones Pianist: Rebecca Wilt

Second Place

Samford University - Birmingham. Alabama
Falstaff, Act I, “Letter Quartet” Giuseppe Verdi

Alice Ford: Abi Benke Dame Quickly: Maggie Gill
Meg Page: Lauren Marino Nanetta: Christy Vest
Stage and Music Director: Kristin Kenning Pianist: Wesley Ballew


First Place

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas - Las Vegas, Nevada
Into the Woods, Act II, “Any Moment/Moments in the Woods” Stephen Sondheim

Baker’s Wife: Cheyna Alexander Cinderella’s Prince: Xavier Brown
Stage and Music Director: Linda Lister Pianist: Jae Ahn-Benton

Second Place

Sam Houston State University - Huntsville, Texas
Guys and Dolls , Act II, “Sky and the Crapshooters” Frank Loesser

Nicely-Nicely Johnson: Bailey Turner Sky Masterson: John-Michael Jermain
Big Jule: Rene Vazquez Harry the Horse: Allen Castle Benny Southstreet: Jacob Averitt
Nathan Detroit: Gregory T. Broughton
Stage Director: Rebecca Grimes - Music Director and Pianist: Robert Hunt
Choreographer: Travis Prokop


First Place

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas - Las Vegas, Nevada
Sancta Susanna, scene from Act I Paul Hindemith

Klementia: Stephanie Weiss Susanna: Lillian Roberts
Stage and Music Director: Linda Lister Pianist: Jae Ahn-Benton

Second Place

Wichita State University - Wichita, Kansas
Die Fledermaus, Act I, scene iii Johann Strauss

Falke: Constantine Novotny Eisenstein: Andrew Fisher
Stage Director: Marie Allyn King
Music Director: Michael Hanawalt Pianist: Bridget Hille


2015 Finals Judges: Michael Ching, Tracelyn Gesteland, Kristine Hurst-Wajszcuk, Warren Jones, John Kramar

2015 Competition Flyer

2015 COSC