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Welcome to the Sacred in Opera!

The Sacred in Opera seeks to promote operatic representations of the religious quest through encouraging places of worship, colleges/universities, and communities to explore the dynamic interplay of opera and theology. This combination has long formed a powerful catalyst for spiritual thought. From the emergence of the Quem Quaeritis trope, which heralded the rebirth of theatre after the Dark Ages, the church's role in the development of dramatic and musical representation was pivotal in laying the foundations for modern opera.

Today, opera often provides a spiritual touchstone for audiences who, at times caught unaware, find themselves examining such issues as faith, free will, and humanity's place in the universe. Opera has historically drawn us to questions of faith and shaped our perceptions.

About the SIO

Our Mission

As an ecumenical support project, The Sacred in Opera's mission is to gather those interested and involved in sacred music drama for exchange of ideas, study, performance and camaraderie.

Our Vision

The Sacred in Opera seeks to promote the creation and performance of representations depicting the spiritual quest in opera form.

Become Involved

By joining your efforts with ours and that of National Opera Association, we can...

  • promote the spiritual and religious in opera to our audiences.
  • provide another opportunity for singers and other artists to use their gifts.
  • encourage all artists in their religious quests.

Projects & Opportunities

  • Online networking of ideas, resources, and support
  • Online newsletter/discussion group
  • Annual meetings and workshops at the annual National Opera Association National Conference

The SIO Works Database

See the SIO's listing of operatic works

The SIO Newsletter

The Sacred in Opera Newsletter is an online newsletter published twice yearly. The newsletter features articles, reviews, and news contributed by members which are relevant to the mission and vision of the Sacred in Opera Initiative. Features are selected for publication at the discretion of the Sacred in Opera Chair and Newsletter Editor.

Read the Newsletter

Newsletter Submissions

Articles to be considered for publication are accepted year-round. Subject matter may focus on any aspect of The Sacred in Opera, including the following:

  1. specific operatic works
  2. operatic composers
  3. the teaching of the Sacred in Opera (repertoire, movement, acting, etc.)
  4. specific directors, singers, conductors, costume designers, or set designers whose work is relevant to a Sacred in Opera subject matter
  5. aspects of direction and design when addressing Sacred subjects.

Articles submitted for consideration should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Articles should be single-spaced.
  2. Articles should use endnotes and NOT footnotes.
  3. Arial 12 is the font that should be used.
  4. Use only one space following a period.
  5. All charts, score examples, and pictures must be in PDF format so the size can be adjusted if necessary.
  6. Each score example and picture must be cited with an endnote.
  7. Length of articles will vary depending on subject matter and writing style. In general, articles should be no longer than 15 pages.
  8. Authors should include a short bio with their submission.
  9. Music examples that make up more than 5% of the work from which they are taken require permission from the publisher to reproduce. All required letters of permission must accompany the author's submission to the journal. The sources for all music examples must be cited correctly in an endnote.

Articles are selected for publication at the discretion of the Sacred in Opera Editorial Board.

SIO Award

The Sacred in Opera Award recognizes significant contribution to operatic representations that explore and engage ideologies of world religions.  Recipients are selected by the Sacred in Opera Committee of NOA, and awarded at a session of the national conference.

Recipients of the Sacred in Opera Award are:

2008 Evelyn Swensson
2010 Carl Gerbrandt
2018 Susan Bingham
2021 Alice Parker

Casey Robards
Chair of SIO