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Sponsored Email Advertising

Dedicated Email Blast

Send your advertisement as a dedicated email blast sent to NOA’s distribution list (ca. 1100 unique addresses), for a flat rate of $400.  Opportunities are limited to one message per month, so contact us to reserve your desired date well in advance.

Submission materials (must be received at least two weeks in advance):

  • Subject field with a maximum of 60 characters
  • Advertising image with a maximum of 600px wide and 800px in height
  • Destination URL when image is clicked
  • Additional text (specify placement before or after image)

We will draft the email and send to you for approval before it is scheduled to be sent.

Payment for dedicated email blasts can be made here:
Dedicated email:    Purchase as Registered User         Purchase as Guest

Advertising Block in Email

Advertising blocks are inserted into our regular NOA email blasts, up to a maximum of two advertisers per email.  Reach 1100+ individuals for $180 (single email) or $300 (two successive emails; ad must be the same for both).  Contact us to reserve your desired timeframe for distribution.

Submission materials (must be received at least two weeks in advance):

  • Images (preferred) should be a maximum of 600px wide and 400px tall
  • Text submissions (in lieu of images) may be a maximum of 100 words
  • Destination URL (when image or link is clicked)

Payment for dedicated email blasts can be made here:
One-time ad:   Purchase as Registered User         Purchase as Guest
Two successive ads:   Purchase as Registered User         Purchase as Guest

Advertising Policy

Opportunities, events, and products should be of general interest to NOA membership and related to the field of opera, arts education, young artist training, dramatic musical works, or appropriate musical products or services.  NOA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject potential advertisers deemed inappropriate or unsuitable for distribution to its membership.

All advertising orders must be prepaid at time of date reservation.  Cancellations may only be made up until the time of final approval of the ad.