National Opera Association
Membership Join or renew now
Join or renew your membership to ensure you continue to receive all the benefits of belonging to the NOA. We offer opportunities for everyone in the world of opera to work together for the advancement of quality in performance and pedagogy. Whether professional or amateur, pedagogue or performer, staff member or volunteer, you can serve the cause of opera through your membership in NOA.
NOA Now has launched!
NOA’s quarterly e-zine has news you can use including ideas from innovators in opera, features on new repertoire, acting and movement ideas you can use in Opera Workshop, career advice for young artists, ideas from our many affinity groups, and reviews of youth outreach productions.
Social Media
Join and engage with other NOA members in our social media communities!
Be sure to join the NOA Exchange Facebook group for sharing of production resources and information.
Your tax-deductible contributions to NOA support its many efforts and activities.
2025 Savannah Conference
January 5-8, 2025 -- Register Now!
Raves from previous conferences
I found this year's NOA conference the most inspiring of any convention I have attended. Here I was amongst colleagues who are curious, open to new ideas, and genuinely committed to educating performers. I left feeling excited, motivated, and thrilled to explore new possibilities.
Ann Baltz, educator, director, and pianist
My only regret about attending this amazing conference was the fact I spent much of my time kicking myself in the head for not joining NOA 30 years ago. I missed so much, but; I’m so happy to be part of this wonderful group now. Never too late!!
Bob Breault, University of Utah